
Don’t Mess Up Something Good By Looking For Something Better

Many people tend to think critically about their relationship and their partner, wondering if there is someone`s better for them.  Don’t get things wrong, though. At no point, you should consider staying with a manipulator, gaslighter, or abuser. If you feel like you are in danger, go away.  Being single is better than being with an abuser. But, if your partner is a good person, don’t go looking for someone better only because they might be out there somewhere.

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10 Surprising Stroke Warning Signs You Need To Know

Fortunately, it reportedly turned out to be a complex migraine – because if it had been a stroke, “she did exactly the wrong thing by waiting and then going home. She should have gone straight to a hospital. Time saved is brain saved,” says Larry B. Goldstein, MD, spokesperson for the American Stroke Association, and director, Duke Stroke Center, Durham, NC. He adds that even though the paramedics “cleared her,” she still should have gone to the hospital immediately. (To be fair, the paramedics may have recommended that but they can’t force someone.)

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School Replaced Detention With Meditation And It Created Incredible Results

We have all been through those terrible detentions back in school. But it’s really debatable whether detention actually results in any proper productive development in children. While many of us may have been told to step outside the class or stand while others are sitting, in a method to shame us, – it always affects us negatively. Rather, we need to find a new way that will actually help students become better than they are without impacting their self-esteem.

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Mix Bananas, Honey, and Water: Cough and Bronchitis Will Disappear

As the weather gets colder, the recurring cough comes along to remind us how frail our lives are. If the winter turns out to be quite vicious, coughs and the diseases which cause coughs seem to be everywhere in larger cities. People typically associated a cough with old age, long-term effects of smoking, or second-hand smoking.  Sometimes, it is associated with the natural condition for anyone living in major cities like Lo Angeles, for instance.

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Babies ‘Should Share Mother’s Bed Until Age Three’ Because It’s Good For Their Hearts

When it comes to parenting, everyone seems to have an opinion, and rightfully so, especially if you are yourself a parent. But what about controversial topics? Is there a right or wrong way to raise your children? Are there certain things that you should or should not be doing? Of course, some things are more important than others. But new advice given by a pediatrician suggests children should sleep in bed with their mothers until they reach the age of three.”

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Forgetfulness as a strategy for intelligent decision-making

If you are a fan of action movies, the ones starring Matt Damon (Jason Bourne) are probably some of your favorites.  Have you ever wondered how is it possible for him to speak so many languages, defend himself in fierce battles, and withstand every possible situation without even knowing his true identity?  Turns out that erasing irrelevant or unimportant data from the brain might be a good strategy, helping to learn new things and making better, more intelligent decisions.

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