The development of plaque is completely normal and, to most dentists, to be expected. But, be very careful, because when the bacteria mixes with sugar, it produces acids. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is a problem.
 We’re going to show you 4 natural ways to remove teeth plaque. Here’s what you need to do:
- Lemon juice – ladies and gentlemen, make sure you don’t use this method too often, because the acids found in the citrus fruits may cause damage to the teeth enamel and cause health. Here’s what you need to do – just make a mixture of ½ cup of lemon juice and ½ cup of water, swishing the solution in the mouth each day for 5 minutes.
- Parsley leaves – here’s what you need to do: first, you need to chop the leaves and apply them on the teeth. Leave them for 5 minutes. Then, rinse them off with lukewarm water. The process should be repeated each day in order to reduce plaque.
- Strawberries – the experts say that strawberries contain special compounds that can help you remove the teeth plaque. You can use them often as they are not as corrosive as lemon juice. Rub your teeth with a strawberry cut in half each day for 7 minutes.
- Homemade remedy
You’ll need the following ingredients: 2 tsp of baking soda, 2 tsp of sparkling water, 1 tbsp. of water, 1 tsp of toothpaste
Directions : First, you need to take a bowl and mix the ingredients together to get a paste. Apply it on your toothbrush and brush them for 4 minutes daily. The treatment should be repeated once a week. That’s it. We really hope you find this article helpful and don’t forget to share it with your friends and family. Thank you and have a good one.