When experiencing a congestion, some natural home remedies can effectively alleviate this condition, especially when caused by a common cold. The following remedies can help you heal even the most irritating symptoms:
Three-Ingredient Cough Syrup : 3/4 cup of raw unfiltered honey – 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil – 2-4 tbsp. lemon juice
Mix all of the ingredients and store the mixture in the fridge for up to 6 weeks. Drink half a teaspoon of it any time you experience congestion.
Radish Syrup : 5-6 radishes; 1 cup honey; 1 cup lemon juice; 5-6 garlic cloves; 1 small red onion;
Cut the onion and radishes into small pieces and then blend them well until you get a smooth paste. Add lemon juice and honey and blend it once more. Pour it into jar and store it up to 1 week.
When needed, drink 1-2 tbsp. twice a day. In this way, you will remove mucus within 24 hours. When you experience some congestion, rub a small amount of the vapor onto your back and chest. Also, you can mix this combination with hot water and inhale the steam.