For them to be autonomous and responsible, it is essential to teach their children to help at home. The sooner you start, the easier it will be!
Here’s what your children will be able to do by age:
1 year and up: When playing with your baby, help him pick up his toys while motivating him. Repeat the exercise each time to become a reflex in the child.
3 years and up: Teach your child to help prepare the table (by choosing what does not break) and to get rid of his plate at each meal. Try to help him clean the stains on the floor. And to make him feel responsible, teach him how to fill the tin of his animal.
4 years and up: Your child must be able to store his or her own room. He must put the dirty laundry in the basket and put his coat in his place. As it can also help put the table by using objects a little more delicate;
5 years and up: The child must be able to fill the dishwasher, make his bed and store the races.
6 years and up: Your child must be able to put away the clean linen and dishes, pass the broomstick and water the plants. In addition, he must learn to store his books and school books on his own.
8+: Help him to cook with you, fold the laundry and clean his room.
9 years and older: Teach them little by little how to make simple dishes like cutting vegetables for a salad or preparing a sandwich. Now he can do the dishes on his own and clean the sink and bath. Also help him with gardening and changing the sheets. It can also vacuum and extend the laundry.
11 years and older: At this advanced stage, your son or daughter must do more work in your home: moving a small piece of furniture, changing a light bulb, taking out the garbage, etc. It should help clean the common areas of the house. He can do more laundry, wash the car. Finally, it is essential to teach your child to manage his agenda and his pocket money. That way, he will be both a good time manager and a good bursar!