Studies have shown that exposure to high mercury levels can poison the nervous system. It can end up causing behavioral changes, tremors, hearing and cognitive loss, hallucinations and even death.
 Mercury poisoning doesn’t occur overnight. With continued exposure, mercury levels build up in the blood over time. When you eat seafood containing high amounts of methylmercury, over 95% of the mercury can be absorbed into your bloodstream.
The mercury then travels throughout your body, penetrating the cells of tissues and organs where it can be stored for years. This can cause you to experience dangerous symptoms.
Many people who experience mercury poisoning symptoms don’t realize they have mercury poisoning. Recognizing the symptoms can help you understand what’s going on with your body and seek help.
Symptoms Of Mercury Poisoning : Metallic taste in the mouth – Vomiting – Difficulty breathing – Swollen and bleeding gums – Loss of peripheral vision – Pins and needles feelings, usually in the hands, feet and around the mouth – Muscle weakness- Impairment of speech, hearing and walking – Lack of coordination of movements – Uncontrollable shaking or tremor – Memory problems