When You See This You Will NEVER Nibble Your Nails Again!

Nibble the nails is a bad habit and it can be dangerous to your health. Under the nail can be found in salmonella and Escherichia coli which thus entering the body.

Besides, viral warts on fingers can be transferred to the area of the face, constant nibbling nails can cause teeth damage and annoying everyone around you, the nail entering the body with many bacteria. Maybe you are already causing abdominal pain, nausea or diarrhea, and this did not be aware.

Some experts believe it can be because the person has become anxious, other times it is seen as a way to relieve stress and a few actually class it as a form of self-harm.

For those people who are compulsive about biting their nails and chew them to the point they make their fingers bleed their behaviour is associated with anxiety disorders.

Often they will bite and eat the skin surrounding the nail to the point when it looks red raw and extremely sore. In addition to this, bacteria in your saliva can cause infections on your fingers and in extreme cases you could end up with irreversible nerve damage.

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