6 Home Remedies Our Grandparents Used That Actually Work!

Yet, I must admit that the majority of them actually work! Therefore, we will reveal several bizarre solutions grandmas come up but really solve the problem :

Baking Soda for a Urinary Tract Infection : You should add a sprinkling of baking soda to a glass of water. This will treat the symptoms in no time, as the baking soda fights infections and alkalizes the bladder, thus protecting it from harmful bacteria.

Raisins for Arthritis : According to grandparents, you should soak some golden raisins overnight in a couple of spoonfuls of gin. In this way, the vitamins in raisins will combine with the anti-inflammatory effects of the juniper berries used to make gin, and this will relieve the pain and swelling in the case of arthritis.

Celery for Bad Breath : All you need to do to combat bad breath is to stick a bunch of celery in your mouth and chew it.

Nettles treat Hair Loss : Actually, the nettle leaves are rich in protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, and beta-carotene and high amounts of the vitamins A, C, D, and B complex’, all of which are beneficial for the hair and its growth. Since our hair is mostly made of proteins, the nettle leaves will maintain its health and make it shiny and strong.  You should brew a kettle of boiling water. Then, add 4-6 leaves in a mug, pour the hot water, and enjoy the nettle tea.

Yams for Menopause : Yams have a thicker rougher skin, and are darker than sweet potatoes, so you should not confuse them. They are rich in vitamin A and C, which balance hormones, as well as dietary fiber which reduces cholesterol levels.

Dried Apricots for Indigestion : Grandparents believe that one should eat exactly five apricots after dinner every single day to help digestion. These fruits are rich in dietary fiber which helps digestion and prevents bloating.

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