Mix Bananas, Honey, and Water: Cough and Bronchitis Will Disappear


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As the weather gets colder, the recurring cough comes along to remind us how frail our lives are. If the winter turns out to be quite vicious, coughs and the diseases which cause coughs seem to be everywhere in larger cities. People typically associated a cough with old age, long-term effects of smoking, or second-hand smoking.  Sometimes, it is associated with the natural condition for anyone living in major cities like Lo Angeles, for instance.

 It is safe to say that coughs are neither a sign of health, beauty, or athletic capacity though.  They can represent part of the body`s natural wisdom. Coughs are the body`s way of cleaning up the respiratory system.  Given that coughs are typically an involuntary action, they serve as messenger, letting us know that something is wrong with our body.

Sometimes, coughing can point to certain infections like bronchitis or the common cold and flu. But, a few days of constant coughing can make our body`s inherent wisdom an irritation which has to be dealt with.  The first reaction to a cough is going to the local pharmacy and getting reliable cough syrup.  However, turns out that this is wrong, as it is nothing but throwing your money away in most cases.

Why? Because since 2006, research has continually shown that there is no evidence proving that these products do anything to relieve a cough. At best, they can offer the benefits of placebo effects caused by the little fortune these companies spend on advertising. Even though it seems like a bitter pill to swallow, knowing that cough syrups are useless is the first step to learning how to treat them.  Again, natural ingredients can offer help !

Disclaimer: If you have a persistent, recurring cough that you just can’t kick, it can be a sign of a serious underlying infection or condition. Please visit your medical provider to be treated if this is the case. 

Ingredients: 2 ripe organic bananas (look for spots) - 2 tablespoons of raw organic honey -400 millilitres of water.

Instructions: First, start boiling the water. As you wait, mash the peeled potatoes in a large bowl. For optimal results, use a large wooden spoon. Add the boiling water to the bowl. Cover and let it sit for half an hour. When cool, add the organic honey and mix well

Use: Take 100 ml of this cough cream 4 times daily. Heat it up a little bit before you eat it!

How does it work? This cream helps you find relief as the body cures itself of whatever the cause of the cough. In addition, bananas promote better sleep as they increase serotonin levels.  This makes them ideal for those dealing with annoying nighttime coughs.

Mix Bananas, Honey, and Water: Cough and Bronchitis Will Disappear
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