Things That Happen to Your Body if You Eat 3 Dates A Day

Only three dates a day replace the daily requirement of vitamins. Here is a list of other benefits of eating dates.

 1. Good For Eye Health : Dates are packed with zeaxanthin and lutein and this is why this fruit is also known as eye vitamin. Zeaxanthin and lutein play an important role in the maintenance of macula and retina health and prevent potential damage of the macula. This part of the eye is compromised with the aging process. If you want to improve your vision, consume more dates.

2. Ends Diarrhea and Stops Constipation : Dates are rich in calcium. This mineral is very efficient when it comes to stopping diarrhea. Another thing that makes dates good in situations like this is the fact that they can speed up the regeneration of the gut flora. Regular intake of dates supports the creation of so-called good bacteria in the intestine. You can find dates in small bottles in the US where they are used as a medicine. About 100 grams of dates come with 8.5 grams (0.3 oz) of fiber.

3. Balance Weight : Dates have many nutrients and because of that they can provide a feeling of satiety and support the weight loss process. If you take only one date on an empty stomach, it will balance and control the work of the intestines and balance the blood sugar level too. Dates don’t come with any cholesterol, but they are rich in sugar which means that immoderate consumption of this fruit can lead to weight gain.

4. Reduce Hypertension – High Blood pressure : These fruits have small quantities of sodium, but they are packed with calcium. A standard portion that consists of 5 to 6 dates comes with 80 mg of magnesium. This basic mineral aids the proper spreading of blood vessels. A scientific research has confirmed that talking about 370 mg of magnesium on a daily basis can stabilize blood pressure.

5. Provides Protection Against Stroke : For many nutritionists, the main reason why we should eat dates is the fact that this fruit can stabilize the nervous system with the help of the large amount of potassium it contains. Scientific studies have confirmed that taking large quantities of potassium can lower the chance of experiencing stroke for about 40%.

6. Good For The Brain : Dates are rich in phosphorus too. This mineral is excellent for the brain, so dates can be very helpful for people with intellectual jobs.

7. Energy Booster : As mentioned before, these fruits come with natural sugar like fructose, sucrose and glucose. A combination of dates and milk can help people get the most from this sugar.

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