Don’t Buy Tangerines Again. Plant Them in A Flowerpot

Tangerines, also known as mandarin oranges, are a tasty and refreshing citrus fruit packed with many nutritious compounds, including flavonoids, vitamin C, vitamin A, folate and potassium.

Many people know the fact that these fruits can be cultivated at home, in flowerpots or in the garden. We will provide all the needed information on how to grow your own
tangerines at home:

Here’s what you need to do:

First, you need to get a medium- sized flowerpot with holes at the bottom for drainage. Then, you need to put small stones on its bottom, and use organic soil for better drainage. Additionally, use a bit of sand on the ground for better ventilation.

After that, sow the tangerine seeds, cover them well, but do not press them firmly into the soil. Place the flowerpot on some sunny place. Well, you can also add a fertilizer high in magnesium, zinc, and iron. When the soil is dry to an inch deep, water the tangerines.

Do not forget to cut the withered and broken branches. And remember – when you pick your fruits from this plant, you should be gentle and careful, in order not to cause any damage.

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