How Clothespin on your Ear for 20 Seconds Improves Overall Health

The foremost reflexologist Helen Chin Lui has a technique how to improve overall health by using a clothespin.

 She is talking about the unusual things people can do to boost their health, treat some simple issues, and experience overall relief. It’s a technique she developed by placing clothespins on certain areas on the ears. It’s important for you to know that the ears have six spots related to different body organs and regions.

Let’s see what they are :

The Upper Part of Your Ear : This ear has a tight connection with your back and shoulders. If you put constant pressure on it for a minute every day, you are going to feel the tension relief in these areas.

The Top of Your Ear’s Curve : This precise pressure point links to the organs. In a case of discomfort or unexplained pain, place a clothespin here to treat it.

The Upper-Middle Part of the Ear : You are going to be able to soothe the pain and stiffness in joints by putting pressure on this point.

The Lower-Middle Part of Your Ear : Pinch this spot to relieve sinusitis and sore throat, treat congestion, and you will be able to fell asleep easily.

The Point Just Above the Earlobe : This pressure point links to the heart and head. If you experience a headache, put a clothespin on this spot, and the migraine will go away. Plus, it supports heart health.

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