


Forgetfulness as a strategy for intelligent decision-making

If you are a fan of action movies, the ones starring Matt Damon (Jason Bourne) are probably some of your favorites.  Have you ever wondered how is it possible for him to speak so many languages, defend himself in fierce battles, and withstand every possible situation without even knowing his true identity?  Turns out that erasing irrelevant or unimportant data from the brain might be a good strategy, helping to learn new things and making better, more intelligent decisions.

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Being Single Will Kill You Faster Than Obesity, Say Scientists

A shocking study revealed that loneliness can be more dangerous than obesity. We have always known that humans are social animals but it turns out that it is actually crucial for our existence in society. The statistics say it all – loneliness can result in a 50% increase in chances of dying early, which is much lesser than the 30% risk that obesity presents.

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