You have Brittle Nails and Your Hair Falls a Lot? Here’s What You’re Missing!

Fatigue and insomnia may cause problems with the adrenal glands, the glands that produce stress hormones.

 Tiredness, thinning hair, brittle nails, and weight gain – you probably have a thyroid problem, a gland that produces hormones.

Brazilian walnuts and leaves of parsley should be grind and after that you need to add dried raisins and honey with a little bit of grated ginger, all should be mixed in optimal mixture and every morning and half hour before meals you should consume two tablespoons of this remedy.

These are foods full of B vitamins and iron which will help to regulate the balance of your body very quickly and in a natural way.

The hair and nails will be stronger, and if you lose weight or gain some because of this problem, everything will come at its own place. If necessary, repeat mixture.

Source/ healthadviceteam

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