Recently I started studying the German language because it is one that I’ve wanted to learn for awhile now. Clearly, speaking a second language will be incredible.
 What is also incredible is how the benefits of learning a second language can positively impact a person’s brain. When researching this information awhile ago, I also came across the scientifically-proven best way to learn another language, which will all be described in this article.
As a person begins to learn a new language, new neural pathways are created within the brain. A study done at the Swedish Armed Forces Interpreter Academy showed that recruits who began intensively studying a second language had increased the size of their hippocampus and three areas in the cerebral cortex, which was shown through MRI brain scans. Activation and growth of the hippocampus helps a person to create a better memory and memorization skills.
Dr. Viorica Morian has also found that learning another language helps a person to become a better listener, because it requires your brain to discern between two sets of very distinctive sounds and to accurately identify those speech sounds. It also helps a person to have better focus, attention and concentration.
It can also help a person increase their intelligence in terms of scoring higher on a standardized reading, math and vocabulary test. Learning another language also helps to spark more creativity within the person.
Additionally, learning a new language helps the brain to process sensory information, which means a person can be more attuned to their environment and pick up information quicker and in a more attentive way. This partially explains why adults are able to learn a third language more quickly than a monolingual adult learns a second language.
The list of benefits goes on, which includes helping to stave off dementia and Alzheimer’s, having more empathy and being able to see different perspectives of a situation more clearly.