Eating banana peels is more than some eco-conscious try—these things have some genuinely wonderful weight reduction advantages. Also, truly, it is not as odd as it sounds.
 Bananas Skins with Black-Eyed Peas :
4 green banana peels; 1 teaspoon turmeric ; Salt ; 2 teaspoons coconut oil; ½ c black-eyed peas (if using fresh, soak overnight); ½ teaspoon mustard seeds; 2 tablespoons unsweetened grated coconut; Juice of one lime.
- Chop peels into small pieces and boil in water with turmeric and dash of salt. To prevent sap from sticking to your pot, add a few drops of oil to the water. Bring to a boil, and then simmer until skins are tender. Drain, reserving water for a later use (we like to use it to cook rice or as a base for soup).
- If using fresh black-eyed peas, boil until tender. If using canned, rinse and drain beans.
- Heat coconut oil in skillet or frying pan over medium heat. Add mustard seeds and cook until they begin to pop.
Add boiled peels and black-eyed peas, stir, and cook for about 5 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in coconut. Add salt to taste and finish with lime juice. Serve.