How to Recognize An Original Or Fake Perfume?

Even in the big stores, unfortunately, sometimes it happens to buy a fake perfume, instead of the original.

But fortunately, there are some things in which you can find out the difference and recognize it is original or fake:

  1. Packaging: The original perfume covers firmly taut cellophane that is not twisted.
  1. Edge of the packaging: Pieced seams where the package should never be greater than 5 mm, if it is original.
  1. Cardboard: Carton always has a special design and original boxes are never without it. Plus, if it is an original, it should be made of high quality cardboard.
  1. Inscriptions on the package: Sign Eco packaging (arrows in a circle) has a black arrow that always goes to the top, in terms of the brighter part. For copies it is reversible.


  1. The design of perfume: Often you can find perfumes that are very similar to the original name and design, therefore, carefully look at what you are buying.
  1. The color of perfume: The popular brands often make a perfume with brighter shades.
  1. Cap of the perfume: Is it original or fake and you can find out by the cover which must be completely symmetrical, if the original.
  1. The Bottle: The originals are carefully made and each bottle is completely symmetrical.

Source: healthexpertgroup

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