Mix These 3 Ingredients To Regrow Thick, Strong Hair In No Time!

There are many factors that can cause hair loss and thinning, but there is a natural hair tonic you can use to start regrowing strong, thick hair.

 The good news is, you can make this tonic at home and it’s super inexpensive. You only need three ingredients!

Ingredients : 1 egg; 1 tablespoons of honey; 2 tablespoons of castor oil

Directions : Combine all of the ingredients into a bowl and stir well. You can double or triple the recipe depending on the length of your hair. Apply for to the scalp and roots of the hair, then apply the remaining mixture to the rest of your hair. Put a shower cap on to cover your hair and let the tonic sit for 2-4 hours. Rinse, wash and condition your hair as usual.

Use this tonic once or twice a week. In about 2 months, you’ll notice the amazing results!

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