Discover the green juice that will help you lose weight

This article will teach you to prepare a green juice based in apple, ginger and cucumber which you can consume daily to boost your metabolism and burn stored fat better.

 The best thing of this juice is that, besides being very beneficial to health, is made with ingredients that are widely available and have a low price.

Ingredients : 1 green apple; 1 cucumber; 1 teaspoon of grated ginger (about 3 grams); 200 ml of water (a glass)

Preparation : Wash, peel and cut the cucumber into pieces. Wash, peel and cut the apple into pieces. Remove the seeds and the heart.

Put cucumber, apple, ginger and 200 ml of water in a blender. Mix well to obtain a homogeneous consistency of a juice. Consume while fasting when it is freshly made to maximize its profits.

Note : While this juice does not have many contra effects, it is recommended that people with digestive disorders do not consume ginger. So if you suffer from ulcers, gastritis, colitis or Crohn’s disease, do not add the ginger to your preparation.

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