Yet, we will present 5 ways to boost the healthy value of this meal and help you consume a balanced and nutritious breakfast every morning.
Just try these 5 suggestions and you will instantly feel the improvements:
- Include Protein
Studies have shown that dietary protein significantly affects the production of ghrelin. Moreover, experts have found that a breakfast rich in protein quieted the ghrelin outputs. Hence, you can add nuts, yogurt, hard boiled eggs, a scoop of protein powder, or an organic peanut butter to your breakfast every morning.
- Replace Sweet with savory
Sweet breakfasts, such as cereals, loaf bread, or muffins, are loaded with sugar and dramatically increase the blood sugar levels.
On the other hand, if you are one of those who do not mind heating up the last night’s meatball marinara, you already enjoy the benefits of savory and balanced meals in the morning, as they provide a feeling of satiety and do not skyrocket the blood sugar.
- Add Fat
To feel fuller longer, you can add some healthy fats to your breakfast, and you will get the energy needed for the following day. However, note that only healthy fats are beneficial, such as avocados, coconut oil, almond butter, and flaxseed oil, seeds, and nuts. Moreover, try to keep it simple and add a few tablespoons to your meal, as less is always better.
- Add Vegetables
If you have a serving of veggies with the breakfast, you can more easily reach the recommended 2 ½ cups daily. For instance, if you are eating eggs stir some onion, peppers, or spinach into them and enjoy the healthy and nutritious veggie scramble, which provides multiple health benefits.
- Steel Cut Oats instead of rolled oats
The thing which differs steel cut oats from rolled oats is the fact that hey are not rolled flat into flakes, but the whole toasted oat grain, or groat, used to produce rolled oats is cut into thirds to yield steel cut oats.
Source: naturalhealingmagazine